Introduction of World Championship Souvenirs
January 5, 2024
Greetings Summoners!
Thank you for supporting Battle Spirits Saga.
In this issue, we would like to share with you some of the gorgeous memorabilia from the World Championship, which will be held on January 27-28, 2024!
2023 Word Championship Siegwurm Nova Trophy Card
The victorious top 3 will receive gold, silver, and bronze Supernova Dragon Siegwurm Nova cards!
These cards are beautifully done up in silver foil and textured designs!
Unlike Nova from normal packs, the text on these cards is the same as that used on the BSS03 token card backs.
These cards will be presented in special BSS acrylic frames!
Note: These cards cannot be used in official play.
Word Championship Promotion Pack 2023
World Championship limited editions of popular spirit and magic cards from BSS01 – 04!
These are the first gold foil card designs for BSS!
The highly artistic style of these cards’ art and design make them perfect rewards for the World Championship!
And the card art for these cards is out of this world!
Note: BSS04-055 cards can be used in tournaments starting February 23, 2024, but not before that date.
2023 World Championship Deck & Playmat Case

A new, special deck case that holds your decks and playmat! The top of the case is embossed with a Siegwurm Nova design! How much more awesome can you get?!
This huge storage case can hold your decks (Carry all six colors! It can fit decks in their individual deck cases!) and one playmat, with additional storage for your cores!
Take all your decks with you inside this case when you head to your FLGS or a tournament!
2023 World Championship Playmat

Siegwurm Nova and Siegwurm Ira, two spirits who could never meet, join up on this special playmat!
This aesthetically pleasing design is the first BSS playmat without markers showing where to place your deck, etc.
It’s truly a playmat worthy of being a World Championship reward!
Thank you for your continued support of Battle Spirits Saga as we strive to produce a game all fans can enjoy.
Battle Spirits Saga Team