This world consists of six realms.This world consists of six realms.
The Realm of Flame: Dragons
The Realm of Gloom: Undead and devils
The Realm of Radiance: Mascots
The Realm of Frost: Machine beings
The Realm of Forest: Bugs, birds, beasts
The Realm of Water: Giants

Long ago, the realms were disparate lands in constant conflict.
Then, 250 years ago, a hero called Kei appeared, ending the wars and
unifying the realms into a single, peaceful empire under her rule.
However, as many histories have proven, peace never lasts.
Two and a half centuries later, law and order has grown lax, government corruption has spread,
and the empire's authority has begun to wane, threatening an end to the era.
Long ago, the realms were disparate lands in constant conflict.
Then, 250 years ago, a hero called Kei appeared, ending the wars and
unifying the realms into a single, peaceful empire under her rule.
However, as many histories have proven, peace never lasts.
Two and a half centuries later, law and order has grown lax, government corruption has spread,
and the empire's authority has begun to wane, threatening an end to the era.
The Starhavoc Age
“Let us rejoice, not anger,
that the timeline is being rewritten.
We are not correcting a mistake
but sharing a new discovery.”
– J.J. Jenkins

In the year 252 of the imperial calendar, the world was faced with an unprecedented crisis.
Bright red jewels the size of fists rained down from the sky,
demolishing buildings and engulfing the world in flames.
The problem lay not in the span of destruction, however, but in the nature of the stones.
After several years of study, these stones were recognized as dense bodies of
energy and given the name “soul cores.”
When a soul core came in contact with a spirit, it infused its energy into the spirit’s body.
If the spirit endured this energy, it would display unprecedented abilities.
However, most spirits of the time were overpowered by the energy and disintegrated.
The downpour of red jewels became known as the Starhavoc
Rain and was recorded as a natural disaster of both fear and despair.

The Starhavoc Rain was not the only notable historical event of the time.
Taking advantage of the chaos wreaked by that disaster,
the Realm of Gloom declared war on the empire by invading the Realm of Flame.
The leader of the invasion was Queen Meduke.
At the head of the Realm of Flame army was
Imperial Thunder Dragon Siegwurm, who was the most respected creature in the world at that time.
Although Meduke initiated a surprise attack,
Siegwurm evolved into his Nova form using a soul core and put up a solid fight.
The result of this battle had immense consequences that would later unfold.

Several more Starhavoc Rains were a source of chaos for the empire.
Paired with a series of Realm of Gloom rebellions, the empire‘s 250-year peace completely collapsed.
Historians call the years leading up to the second coming of heroes the Starhavoc Age,
after the natural disaster that triggered it.
Let us unravel this intriguing period, in depth,
with episodes taken from the histories of the many great persons who fought during this time of warfare.